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Pre-Lottery Form


Thank you for considering CIJS for your Scholar's education. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year began January 3, 2024. You MUST complete a SEPARATE lottery application for EACH child in your family.

Please contact us at or direct at (407) 979-4161 if you have any trouble with the application process.

Student Information:

What school year are you applying for?required
VPK Student Preferred Timerequired
Wrap Fees Acknowledgementrequired
Student Namerequired
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Must contain only letters, numbers and spaces
Must contain only letters and spaces
2-Letter Abbreviation (Must contain only letters)
Must contain only numbers
(Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)

Current School Information:

Is your student CURRENTLY enrolled in a school (Public, Charter, Private)?required

Enrolling Parent/Guardian Name:

Enrolling Parent/Guardian Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Does the Enrolling Parent/Guardian live with the Student?required
Must contain only letters
Must contain only numbers
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Please update a copy (or picture) of your ID with the address listed above.
Add another Parent/Guardian?required

Parent/Guardian Information:

Parent/Guardian Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Does this Parent/Guardian live with the Student?required
Must contain only letters
Must contain only numbers
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Please update a copy (or picture) of your ID with the address listed above.

Proof of Florida Residency:

Lottery preference will be determined by address provided by the Enrolling Parent's ID.

If accepted, during the Application process one item from EACH of the two categories MUST be attached.  If the address on these documents do not match the ID uploaded, your student's acceptance may be revoked and you will have to reenter the lottery process.

Category 1: Lease/rental or mortgage agreement, property tax records.

Category 2: Current utility bill (electric, cable, water, etc.), income tax record, or proof of receipt of governmental benefits

  • (1) All documents must have the same address and the name of the parent/legal guardian.

    (2) If the parent/guardian is not the lease holder or property owner, then the following is required:

    • Notarized letter verifying residency signed by the owner of the home. This must accompany one document from Category 2 and/or the Parent/guardian must provide a valid Florida Drivers License (or Florida Dept. of Motor Vehicles picture ID), voter registration or auto registration.

Select which of the following apply to you: My Student is/has...requiredPreference will take place in this order
Preference will take place in this order
How did you hear about Creative Inspiration Journey School? Check all that applyrequired
By selecting Yes, I certify that the information contained within this application is truthful and correct to the best of my knowledge.required